Hidden London Tour


Winchester Palace

Discover the unseen London with a Hidden London Taxi Tour! Pass by iconic sights and delve into the lesser-known landmarks, all while being joined by an expert in the history and culture of the city. On the 4-hour tour, explore a Roman ruin and Saxon arch, learn about past execution spots, and visit a hat shop and cigar store with surprising histories. For the 8-hour tour, enjoy lunch away from the hustle and bustle, take in an elevated view from an unusual location, and visit a museum or two to deepen your understanding of London. Both tours offer an unforgettable experience, allowing you to explore the city from a unique perspective.

4 hour Hidden London Tour, with a plethora of unusual locations then those seen with a general tour of London. We see where witches were burnt and traitors beheaded. A tunnel that is dedicated to graffiti artists. We drive over a bridge built by women to see the smallest police station in London. A different way to see London.  

 £335.00 per taxi

 6 people per taxi



  • Narrowest Alley
  • Graffiti Tunnel
  • Hat Shop
  • A 17th Century Seat
  • 17th Century Quey
  • Execution Site
  • Roman Remains


8 hour Hidden London Tour, takes us on an unscripted and mysterious tour of London visiting places that the large tour party’s do not get to see. Visiting a lighthouse in London to a river gate without a river. From the Romans to British Brutalism. From a 17th Century shop to a 17 Century house and much more. 

£595.00 per taxi

6 people per taxi



  • Hidden Pub Lunch
  • Unusual Elevated View
  • Hidden Church
  • London Lighthouse
  • Hidden Morgue
  • London Highlights
  • What Did The Romans Ever Do For Us


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